1. Group Control Elevator Based on New Destination Floor Reservation System
The destination floor reservation system assigns an elevator for each destination floor registered by passengers and displays/informs passengers ahead of time of the elevator they should take. Group control elevators with this new system were first widely spread overseas and are now being increasingly introduced in Japan as well.
Hitachi launched the group control elevator with new destination floor reservation system, the second elevator proactively anticipating unconscious human behavior in keeping with the core concept of Hitachi elevators, to realize the smooth travel and comfort unconsciously expected by passengers. Based on the group control elevator with destination floor reservation system Hitachi released for overseas markets, the new elevator system is a product with an improved congestion algorithm and improved interface. Under the standard configuration, passengers key in their destination floor into a destination floor registration device in the hall. In addition with the optional configuration, the elevator system, which will be linked to the building’s security system, will prompt the assigned elevator to the destination floor once the passenger has passed through the security gate.
In the future, Hitachi will continue providing elevators that can transport more passengers smoothly and comfortably to their destinations through control of elevator services that considers the movement of people within a building both in a vertical and in a horizontal direction.
1. Features of group control elevator with new destination floor reservation system