Providing a Platform for Collaborative Creation of Solutions
How is corporate management being transformed by the IoT and other recent trends in IT?
OnoderaMore advanced forms of IT, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), data analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI), and the acceleration in the use of data by these technologies as society becomes increasingly digitalized, are transforming the composition of competition and even changing who the competitors are.
To achieve sustainable growth in such an era, it is necessary to use these new technologies for the rapid realization of new ideas. Important challenges for companies include how to make practical use of the data collected through the IoT as feedback, and how to leverage the numerous IoT platforms in Japan and elsewhere.
How does the Lumada IoT platform provide a way to deal with these challenges?
OnoderaLumada brings together the technologies involved in IoT solutions, including data blending and orchestration, big data and advanced analytics, AI, simulation, and security. Lumada is characterized by three key features, they are “open”, “adaptable”, and “verified and secure”.
The name Lumada incorporates the idea of obtaining knowledge that is useful to customer businesses by “illuminating” large amounts of customer “data” to reveal hidden relationships.
Lumada can connect to and exchange data with not only customers’ existing business and operational systems and open source software (OSS), but also with platforms and services from other vendors, and it can adapt to the progressive expansion of customer systems. The platform incorporates software and security technologies that have already demonstrated reliability and provided reassurance, and in which we have built up extensive experience. The fact that Lumada also incorporates the knowledge of operational technology (OT) built up by Hitachi through its own activities is one feature that is not available from other vendors.
Our aim is to work with customers to overcome the challenges they face by utilizing proven tools and OT knowledge to analyze data on their facilities, equipment, and personnel together with data from commercial departments, and to provide the results as feedback in the form of workplace OT.
Features of IoT platform Lumada
So, Lumada is a way to expedite collaborative creation with customers?
OnoderaThat’s right. More than just serving as a platform for providing new technology, it means utilizing tools like Hitachi’s NEXPERIENCE methodology for collaborative creation with customers to first identify the business challenges they face and then to work with them to create digital solutions that will help overcome these challenges. Hitachi has gained experience from a large number of use cases that bring together IT and OT in a wide variety of business fields, including industry, transportation, energy, building facilities, finance, and healthcare. By building up a range of templated solution cores in Lumada that enable these use cases to be applied more generally, we are able to rapidly develop IoT solutions that match the challenges faced by customers.
We are expanding the scope of application by quickly implementing new ideas from customers and using the results of these to hone the business models. It is Lumada that makes it possible to accelerate this process of collaborative creation.