1. Common VPP Solution Package
A virtual power plant (VPP) is a system that uses information and communication technology (ICT) to control and use distributed sources of energy such as photovoltaic power generation systems and storage batteries as though they were a single conventional power supply. The Virtual Power Plant Construction and Demonstration Project is an initiative currently underway by Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to demonstrate the use of VPPs for adjusting power supply and demand.
Hitachi has developed a common VPP solution package that provides basic demand response automation server (DRAS) functions such as communication using the Open Automated Demand Response (OpenADR) international standard protocol for demand response. In this demonstration project, the package is being used for the DRAS servers of participants such as Type A project members (VPP infrastructure providers) and Type B-1 project members who are aggregation coordinators. This package also has an application programming interface (API) used to call OpenADR communication functions from user programs, and it is also being used by the DRAS servers of Type B-1 project members who are resource aggregators.
1. Virtual Power Plant Construction and Demonstration Project (top) and server connection using OpenADR communication (bottom)