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    1. Urban Solutions

    Hitachi established the Urban Solutions Business Unit in April 2016 to strengthen service businesses for business operators in the urban fields of real estate, stations & cities, and life & social infrastructure.

    Business operators in urban fields see the improvement of services for their end users as an important theme for differentiating themselves from their competitors and expanding their own earnings. Hitachi thus set itself the important mission of improving services for end users and contributing to the expansion of business earnings through the collaborative creation of high added value services with business operators in urban fields using cutting-edge digital technologies including the Internet of Things (IoT) and utilization of big data. Hitachi has provided various products and services to support business operators in the urban field in the past and has developed expertise in the urban field and urban solutions.

    Hitachi will continue to contribute to the creation of safe, secure and comfortable urban environments through solutions always one step ahead.

    1. Urban solutions

    2. Promotion of Energy-saving Project in Malaysia

    2. Sunway City, Malaysia’s first fully integrated green township as certified by Green Building Index, Malaysia’s industry recognized green rating tool for buildings

    Hitachi and the Sunway Group, one of Malaysia’s largest conglomerates with core interests in real estate, construction, education and healthcare, and a multitude of established businesses across 50 locations worldwide, are collaborating on various issues of urban planning and promoting an energy saving project to optimize the energy use of facilities owned or managed by the Sunway Group in Malaysia.

    As a first step, Hitachi proposed an energy-saving project for the head office building of Sunway Group.
    In this project, Hitachi conducted energy-saving diagnostics based on a multifaceted study, which involved gathering and analyzing a wide range of data, and then applied the study findings to help reduce energy consumption. As a next step, with regard to improving air-conditioning system efficiency, Hitachi concluded a profit sharing, energy-saving guarantee service agreement for educational facilities, and is now in the process of constructing the systems.

    The Sunway Group plans to introduce integrated energy management systems to all the universities, shopping malls, hospitals, hotels and other facilities it owns in the future, and Hitachi will provide support for the early implementation of this plan.

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